Web Sites for Teaching ELA

http://www.georgiastandards.org. This website is the home of the Georgia Performance Standards. This website also contains frameworks and sample lesson plans.

http://www.corestandards.org.  This website is home to the new Commom Core Standards.

http://www.wikispaces.com. This website allows teachers to create free wikis for classroom use.

http://www.ascd.org. This website is published by the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development and provides articles and resources for leadership. It is also home to the online version of its premier journal Educational Leadership. 

http://www.ncte.org. This is the official website to the National Council of Teachers of English, which contains resources for English teachers and has the online version of the English Journal.

http://www.nwp.org. This is the official website of the National Writing Project in California that contains resources for teachers of writing and provides information for all the sites across the United States. This is home to the NWP Newsletter E-Voice.

http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/. This website provides teachers with lesson plans for the content of The New York Times. It is a great resource for nonfiction and timely material for student reading.

http://www.bibliomania.com. This website is free online literature with study guides and other teaching resources.

http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/. This is a collection of videos on many subjects for use in classrooms.  Teacher can download videos and accompanying resources such as handouts and quizzes.

http://rubistar.4teachers.org/. This website is free for teachers. Teachers can create rubrics for use in the classroom and save them for later access.

http://www.readwritethink.org/. This interactive website is home to the Read Write Think comprehension strategy. If offers ideas and resource for implementing Read Write Think in the classroom.

http://owl.english.purdue.edu. This is the link for helping students understand different documentation styles including both MLA and APA. It also help students organize various essays and research assignments.

 http://tewt.org/. This website is created for teachers by teachers. It provides resources for integrating technology into the ELA classroom.

http://www.cmu.edu/teaching/technology/. The Teaching with Technology website is a how-to resource for teachers for integrating technology into their classrooms.

http://www.teach-nology.com/tutorials/teachwtech/. This website helps teachers find ways to incorporate technology into their lessons and in their classrooms. It includes articles, sample lesson plans, and teaching ideas.

http://www.teachingliterature.org/teachingliterature/technology.htm. This website is dedicated to helping teachers use technology to teach literature in such ways as creating wikis, blogs, podcasts, and for designing web projects and webquests.


http://www.corestandards.org. This is the site for the Common Core for ELA in Georgia.